January 14, 2016 - CST welcomed a delegation from Mexican Gendarmerie
CST scientific team welcomed a delegation from Mexican Forensic Gendarmerie in charge of validating new forensic technologies. Lumicyano technology process was performed live in CST lab in front of Mr Arturo Constantino Altuzar and Mr Arturo Lopez Bazan. The delegation was led by 2 french officials from DCI - French Ministry of Interior.

November 17-20, 2015 - CST at Milipol 2015
CST exhibited at Milipol 2015 (Paris-Villepinte). Several official foreign delegations of forensic polices, driven per french Ministry of Interior, visited the booth where Lumicyano technology was demonstrated.

November 20, 2015 - CST wins French Ministry of Interior tender for forensic supply
CST was officially awarded the tender issued by french Minsitry of Interior to supply all Police + Gendarmerie forensic labs and Police stations. Lumicyano is now the exclusive and official fluorescent cyanoacrylate used to develop latent fingerprints in France.
December 14, 2015 - IGNA validates compatibility of Lumicyano with DNA sampling.
The renowned forensic lab IGNA (Institut de Genétique Nantes Atlantique) publishes a scientific note explaining the protocol used to validate the compatiblity of Lumicyano with DNA sampling. Full note here.
November 30, 2015 - CST raises funds
CST closed a fundraising with 3 french based investment funds specialized in technology (Finovam, Fira, Nord France Amorcage) and BPI (Banque Publique d'Investissment). The new financial means should allow an acceleration of the developement of Lumicyano technology on export markets and reinforce R&D investment in innovative anti-conterfeiting technologies. Press release here.
September 20, 2015 - CST at ENFSI
CST demonstrated its technology Lumicyano in front of forensic experts at the annual convention of ENFSI (European Network of Forensic Sciens Institutes) held in Barcelona (Spain)
August 4- 6, 2015 - CST at I.A.I.
CST exhibited at the annual convention of the International Association for Identification held in Sacramento.

December 15, 2015 - New packaging for Lumicyano
Lumicyano, the one step fluorescent fumigation process, is a 2 component product. It now comes into a revamped range and boxing. The new range consists of Complete Kits including both (Powder + Solution) boxed together. Two sizes of kits are available. Powder and Solution are also available separately, though are designed to work together. See full range here